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    About Josephine Dellow

    Hello! I am a Sheffield based illustrator, printmaker and all-round smiley lady. It's a dream come true for me to earn a living from drawing and designing products, inspired by childhood, architecture and my surroundings in Yorkshire.

    I am an illustrator and printmaker living in Sheffield. I love to draw by hand and then make prints or design products with my illustrations. I am inspired by architecture, childhood memories, books, nice pens, and anything (or anyone) that sparks my curiosity or makes me laugh. I also illustrate books and work on a fun mix of commissions that come my way.

    In December 2017, I left my employed design job to work full time on my business. It has been a crazy and amazing adventure so far! I love having lots of variety and the time and freedom to devote to my shop and freelance projects. Working for myself makes me so happy and I hope that comes across in my products!



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